Saturday, May 23, 2009


Dear Readers,
Good Afternoon, and welcome. As you have already read the title of this post is Delima. My delima is I cannot seem to find my book. This, my dear readers is a very sad time in my life. So now I shall discuss other dilemmas. One. that seems to happen me frequently is the misplacement of hair ties and bobby pins. I really dislike theses situations especially when I'm in hurry to leave for school. Another delima is the loss of my phone or iPod. It drives me absolutely bonkers when I can find my phone and I have to ask my mom to call it. What ho... ha I just remembered where my book is!!!! Oh happy days!! Anyway here is a topic that is not a delima. Tonight, I will be attending Haley's bond fire party!!! I'm quite excited!! I plan on wearing a pink, orange, and brown sundress. And hopefully I can find some brown inexpensive cowboy boots. I thought a little country would add a rustic touch don't you think. Well that's all for now. I must return to my book now that I've found it. Until tomorrow........
P.S~ Sorry for the spelling errors. :-)


  1. Lol, I feel your pain. I'm always losing things :)!!

  2. P.S.

    Here's my has other peoples on the side too :)

  3. I know you ALWAYS lose things!!! Lol jk jk you know I love you!!!
